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Waterlily is a short comic about a trans girl who grew up swimming and loving the water, but eventually had to leave it behind due to her body dysphoria and eventual transition. Deciding she’s ready to swim again, she and her girlfriend take a trip out to the beach, but, well… it’s not that simple.

I wrote this comic as introspection on my own feelings of body-consciousness as a trans woman and how trans people can often be forced to abandon things they love because of the social realities and difficulties of being trans in cis society, and to hopefully lend support to anyone who’s struggling with similar issues.

Tatiana Fiermonte — that’s me — is a graduate of CCA in the California Bay Area, a freelance illustrator & cartoonist, and kind of unbearably gay. You can find me on twitter, instagram, and tumblr, as well as on my personal website. If you want to get in touch, drop me a line at